Delegation is one of the most important managerial skills. Delegation saves time and money, builds people and team skills, grooms successors and motivates teams. Poor delegation sucks! Ask any employee. It causes frustration, de-motivates and confuses people and teams. To be successful, business leaders, managers and executives […]
Read more →Good questions are the key to successful planning and decision making. Throughout the business planning process we must consider strategic questions to help us understand the current situation, focus areas and our vision for the future. Strategic planning is an intensive process and should be a team […]
Read more →It is Canada’s Election Day and I am sure that you do not want to read another message about the election. But here’s the thing, we live in a country where we don’t have enforced mandatory voting and because of that voter turnout can be low. I […]
Read more →Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. It is about being free to count your life blessings and notice the simple pleasures in life. I am not sure if in western society we know what gratitude is until […]
Read more →Everything that happens in your organization and cuts across the levels of organization can be divided into ‘big buckets’ of things that the business does. Chances are, you have some people in charge of those buckets. Often we see human resource, financial, information technology, and manufacturing processes […]
Read more →Every organization, be it a group of people, a community, a military unit, a government body, a manufacturing company or service company, is at a different level of maturity when it comes to process and productivity. There are maturity process levels that exist in every business, just […]
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