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3 Steps for You to become Set for Success in Your Business

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Be Set for Success in Your Business

There are many approaches to strategic planning for any business. I use the S.E.T. approach to lay the groundwork for working with clients on their planning needs. It is the key to a larger business puzzle and the way things linked together.

The 3 step S.E.T. approach can be broken down as follows:

  1. take a structured approach to understand your business
  2. engage your people to work together successfully and make better business decisions together
  3. transform your business through establishing a common direction

It is this approach I have used over the past 12 years in working with clients to help them achieve the success they deserve. Whether it has been a strategic planning session where we needed to develop a strategy map and action roadmap with clear milestones, a business and executive coaching session where the focus was on building the business capabilities of a senior professional or in or helping a team focus on a specific business requirements like business development, process and productivity or human resource improvements. The S.E.T. Approach been applied to all sorts of business situations.

The Structured Approach is all about using a structured analysis to begin to understand your business problems and opportunities. This often involves using a combination of interviews, questionnaires and assessments to get some baselines of where your business and its processes currently stand.

Engagement of your greatest assets people is something every business leaders should seek to accomplish. It’s important to harness their knowledge and get them engaged in helping you understand your business and its challenges. This is often done through group meetings and facilitated workshops. The key thing here is to let your people help you unravel complex issues and make key decisions.

We often speak of the need to transform the business: There are many aspects of transformation planning. In this case I am referring to creating an actionable roadmap, work-plans and communication plans for your business environment. It is the focus on whatever it takes for you and your people to actually take action and make a difference in your business.

Planning is an exercise in gathering and documenting information about the past, present and future of your business. It has everything thing to do with understanding your business, stakeholders, solutions and transition needs. It requires an approach that you can apply with your team that makes sense. Consider taking a structured approach, engaging your people and finding ways to transform your business so you can achieve your next level of success.

Get to Know Richard

Richard works with companies that provide products, services, and expertise to other businesses. As a senior strategic business analyst and consultant, his focus is strategic planning, business analysis, and training and development of client organizations.


Richard Lannon
Voice: 204-899-2808
Email Us Richard Lannon


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