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talent management

The Changing Tides of Time

Over the next 10 years, 200,000 small business owners in Canada alone will turn 65 and want to retire. This number does not include their employees, mid to large businesses, corporations and public organizations. When you add all of those together this clearly becomes a critical issue […]

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If Hind Sight is 20/20, why are we not listening to our people?

In June 2008, while I was teaching a three day workshop on facilitation and gathering and documenting business requirements, someone raised an issue about the economy and stated that the market is headed for a crash soon (within 6 months). Interestingly, the people attending the workshop were […]

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Get to Know Richard

Richard works with companies that provide products, services, and expertise to other businesses. As a senior strategic business analyst and consultant, his focus is strategic planning, business analysis, and training and development of client organizations.


Richard Lannon
Voice: 204-899-2808
Email Us Richard Lannon


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