I know it might sound a bit crazy for me to send you a holiday wish saying it is great to be alive this holiday season. But it is.
You see, I live with Cardiac Disease and had a quadruple bypass 3.5 years ago. Today, I am fit, happy and focused on working with business people like you.
Something I have learned, no matter your business or personal situation, it is great to be alive. I share this message with you for a simple reason, the only thing we truly have in life is the life we live with the people around us. Everything else is just window dressing.
I know for me, in previous holiday seasons, I was a bit of a humbug. Ask my wife, Jeannette; she’ll tell you that I didn’t enjoy it much. But something happened, I got in shape, I started to have great business clients where I could make a difference, I started to look at life more from a daily opportunity, I removed the material, and I started to embrace the opportunity to celebrate life daily.
With that in mind, I want to thank you for being clients, for listening to my radio and podcast show, for buying and reading my book and reading my blog and for connecting when needed to work on your business success.
I guess, in the end, it is all about your relationships; your significant other, friends and family and the life you lead. I realize in business this may not be your regular holiday note. What is life without stepping outside the norm?
Chances are your success this last year is because you stepped outside the norm. Maybe you did something new, made a change, are making a change or better yet, you received an invitation to a preferred future.
With that in mind, for this holiday season, I wish you the best now and throughout the next year. Be well, as it’s great to be alive.
Special regards and best wishes.
Richard Lannon