Welcome to ‘SUPPORTING CAUSES’. On this page you will find events and causes that we believe in and support. We hope in some small way we can make a difference.
22 Day Challenge (22 Days and 22 Push Ups a Day) – August 2016
The 22 Day Push-up Challenge is now LIVE. I was nominated by Tazz Norris (a.k.a. Big Daddy Tazz) to raise awareness for those who suffer with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). It is estimated that 22 vets commit suicide daily in the US and here in Canada we have comparable numbers. Having experienced the impact suicide and mental illness has on families I think this is an important challenge to support. The rules are simple:
* Once you are nominated your 22 days start the following day.
* Every day you record yourself doing 22 push-ups in one take.
* Every day you must nominate a different person.
* And finally, have fun with this knowing you are creating awareness of something that impacts the lives of everyone in some way.
Follow me on Facebook for this one: https://www.facebook.com/richard.lannon
RIDING TO FIGHT KIDS’ CANCER in the Great Cycle Challenge Canada – June 2016
I am taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge this June to fight kids’ cancer! Because right now, 1,400 children are diagnosed with cancer across Canada every year. Kids should be living life, not fighting for it. So I am raising funds to help these kids and support SickKids Foundation to continue its work in developing treatments and finding a cure for childhood cancer. Please support my challenge by making a donation through my fundraising page to give these kids the brighter futures they deserve. Your support will change little lives. Thank you. Richard
Sponsor Me on This Great Cause at https://greatcyclechallenge.ca/Riders/RichardLannon
Wingin’ it for Parkinson’s
WINGS, BEER, AND A GREAT CAUSE. April 2, doors open at 6:45 PM. Relay starts at 7:30 PM. Empowering Parkinson’s fighters; one day, one event at a time. Wingin’ it for Parkinson’s was formed out of a desire to create an event which bridged two generations. We wanted to create something that would attract a younger audience while encouraging an older one. The event itself is simple: Teams of five go through three round of wings and beer to claim The Wingin’ it for Parkinson’s relay championship.