Every year I look forward to publishing this article. It is a reminder to me that we all need to limit or manage the noise that is around us.
As I chat with business leaders and people in general a common theme has been feelings of being intensely busy and, not surprisingly, people are feeling fatigued and a bit out of balance. This is normal when working in business environments that are serving client needs, leading change and making improvements to help grow our economy.
As we transition into the new year, now is the perfect time to reflect on what business leaders and professionals need create a sustainable future; it’s time to talk about work life balance, again.
There are common reasons we feel out-of-balance including lack of short and long term planning, the inability to say no, trying to please everyone, a lack of respect and understanding of what is important, poor organizational skills and a lack of personal mission or sense of purpose. That’s a lot to consider… and it can be exhausting. The reality is balance or work-life balance means something different to each person. It’s an independent thing.
In western society, our outlook on work-life balance is a bit ironic. Most of the programs that we talk about are focused on making plans to create work-life balance. Here lies the irony: striving for balance interferes with being balanced. That’s why it is important to examine what balance means to you. Striving can affect balance because balance is more internal whereas striving is external and based on achieving. To strive is to be in some way dissatisfied. Are you striving for balance?
Once you understand the concept of work-life balance and what is important to you, it is easier to consider what you can do to put your life in balance. Sometimes creating work-life balance can be easy with just a few minor adjustments and, other times, it can be difficult and requires help from others. If you are overwhelmed, do not be afraid to seek assistance. Many organizations offer employee assistance programs and there are many community organizations out there to help. Just ask.
To get you started, here are twelve tips to help you create work-life balance in your busy and active life and maybe help make our lives even better:
- Take a break from it all and think about what is important to you – ‘tis the season after all!
- Find your healthy pace and make it clear to others – this creates accountability.
- Build fun into all that you do in your life.
- Resolve conflicts as they will eat away at you until resolved.
- Take care of yourself, not just others – find the self space.
- Choose your friends wisely as they can make or break you.
- Keep your goals but drop the plans.
- Learn to better manage your time through time boxing and set boundaries.
- Delegate and share your load – we are not super-powered but we are all heroes.
- Deal with unfairness and resist peer pressure.
- Appreciate beauty (in a good way) and simplify your life
- Treat yourself – do not obsess and let things go.
As you start a new season and think about your commitments to your organization, team, relationships and yourself, consider your work-life balance and what it means to you and those around you. Maybe create an anti-plan with no focus on goals and objectives but rather a better life. This thought is coming from a planner and implementer.
The basic message is that it is important that we find that place where we effectively stay balanced in our noise-filled world. What ever that means for you?
Have a great 2015!
This Weeks Red Question: What one life change can you make this year that will make a difference in your life and the life of those around you?