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Becoming a Fine-tuned Business Machine

Become a Fine Tuned Business MachineYour business should operate like a fine-tuned machine, like a slick piece of technology. Consider that statement and it
s ramifications. What if your people were all rowing in the same direction, in tune and with clear focus? That is where the Alignment Model of Strategic Planning is used.

The overall purpose of the model is to ensure strong alignment among the organization’s mission and its resources to effectively operate the organization. This model is useful for organizations that need to fine-tune strategies or find out why they are not working. An organization might also choose this model if it is experiencing a large number of issues around internal efficiencies.

Think of your business as an advanced machine or technology with many moving parts that is always changing due to key environmental factors and its human elements. The challenge is to fine-tune the machine and engage the resources to achieve effectiveness and efficiencies for positive results.

If we used technical documents as a reference, words like resolution, parameters, amplitude, frequency and reliability would be used to describe the boundaries around operations. These are all great words and can easily be aligned into the business thinking for long-term strategic impact. A deeper look into these words reveals an interesting business perspective.

Resolution: This is a degree of sharpness and the determination to act upon something that you have decided to do. You do it with resolve. It is never too late to fine-tune your resolution or to make a decision on a change or course of action. Consider writing down what it is you want to do and create the determination to make it happen. Just do it!

Parameters: This is a variable that must have a specific value during the execution of a procedure. It usually has limits or boundaries or guidelines – for example, the basic parameters of a technological setting or an organizational policy or process. Like a technological setting, we all have parameters that we live by within our professional lives. As business leaders you should know the parameters by which you and the business operate. It is important that processes and people align to business parameters.

Amplitude: This refers to greatness of size; it is the magnitude, fullness, the breadth or the range. To what level will you work to? How loud are you expressing what it is you are wanting or willing to do? If you want to be successful, tell someone. Express your greatness, the magnitude and range that you are willing to go to. Figure out your greatness and grow your amplitude.

Frequency: This is the rate of occurrence, as in the number of periods or regularly occurring events of any given unit of time. How often do you do what you do? What is your consistency level? In order to achieve your resolution within the parameters that are set and within the amplitude you have expressed, what is the desired frequency? Frequency is important to your success. You must practice frequency of engaged and focused positive actions every single day.

Reliability: By definition, reliability is the extent to which a system or human element can be counted on. This measure can relate to achievement, accuracy or honesty. Reliability is truly about trust. In a systems world, reliability would simply mean that it does not break down that often. How reliable are you and your people and can it be measured within the parameters that have been set for strategic purposes.

Alignment models for strategic planning seek to optimize efficiency and effectiveness, fine tuning the business environment for the best possible positive results. If we use technology measurements as the benchmarks for understanding how a system, an organization and the human element should work, then we can see that certain criteria needs to be considered. Ultimately we all want our business and its people to operate successfully. The challenge is to get aligned and make it happen.

In what way do you need to focus and fine tune your business for greater success? Contact me for a 30 minute discussion about what you might be able to do.

Get to Know Richard

Richard works with companies that provide products, services, and expertise to other businesses. As a senior strategic business analyst and consultant, his focus is strategic planning, business analysis, and training and development of client organizations.


Richard Lannon
Voice: 204-899-2808
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