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13 Ways to Become a Gratitude Master

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. It is about being free to count your life blessings and notice the simple pleasures in life.

I am not sure if in western society we know what gratitude is until we almost have lost something that is dear to our hearts. Then we learn that gratitude is about living life as if everything is a miracle. That in every moment there is something or someone to appreciate. The abundance of life becomes apparent.

Not one morning goes by where for each and every day – without fail – I am grateful for being on this side of the grass. No matter what the circumstances in life there are so many things and ways to show gratitude. I encourage you in your business, career, and life to take the time connect and reach out with gratitude. To this end, this addition of SET for Success provides 13 ways to become a Gratitude Master.

  1. Tell someone in person how grateful you are they are part of your life
  2. Phone or send a text message to people expressing a grateful thought
  3. In the morning write ‘10 Things I am Grateful for List’
  4. Pack a box lunch and give it to those people who need it
  5. Use posted notes and place them in random places expressing thoughts of appreciation
  6. Smile ear to ear for everyone you see they will smile back
  7. Buy the stranger behind you his/her coffee or treat
  8. Get $100 in Toonies and give them out to random people as tips
  9. Go through your closet and give all the clothes you don’t wear any longer to a homeless shelter
  10. Hug those people that you love and care about most. They need it.
  11. Stand outside, arms reached, sun on your face and proclaim your gratitude
  12. Take the Will Bowen Challenge and go 21 days without complaining, criticizing or gossiping. Wear the purple no-complaining wrist band. It may condition you to appreciate life a little more.
  13. Stop reading this blog and go be grateful for something or someone in your life

I know this is not my regular blog. As I spend this weekend with family, friends and some business associates I wanted to take the time and write a different post that simply said, let’s be grateful.

So, start the day by bringing gratitude to your life. You may find things become better today than they were yesterday and maybe you will become a master of gratitude.

I hope you have or had a very Happy Thanks Giving weekend.

Get to Know Richard

Richard works with companies that provide products, services, and expertise to other businesses. As a senior strategic business analyst and consultant, his focus is strategic planning, business analysis, and training and development of client organizations.


Richard Lannon
Voice: 204-899-2808
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