Setability, more than a technical termI was listening to a podcast by Scott the Nametag Guy about the importance of owning a word. His thinking is that everyone should own a word. As I listened to his presentation he asked his audience what word do they own? Slowly people started to say a single word they owned. It was right then I decided I would own the word Setability. I decided to look it up in the dictionary. The word did not exist, so I googled it! I discovered that Setability is a technical word that relates to fine-tuning technical instruments. For example, computer monitors – often the question that is asked is whether the technical system is settable or does it have setability within certain range or parameters.

I wondered what lessons-learned could people acquire from these technical documents and the word setability? When referring to setability the technical documents referenced words like resolution, parameters, amplitude, frequency and reliability. These are all great words and can easily be aligned into the business thinking of a professional, team or organization with long term strategic impact.

Consider these words, what they mean and their every day implications for you and your business environment.

Resolution: Is a degree of sharpness and the determination to act upon something that you have decided to do and to do it with resolve. It is never too late to fine tune your resolution or to make a decision on a change or course of action. Consider writing down what it is you want to do and create determination by making it SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound).

Parameters: Is a variable that must have a specific value during execution of a procedure. It usually has limits or boundaries or guidelines – for example, the basic parameters of a technological setting, an organizational policy or process. These all have parameters and you do too. Like a technological setting, we all have parameters that we live by within our personal and professional lives. As technical professionals, managers, team leads and business leaders you should know the parameters by which you and the business operates. Think about your values and write them down. It is important that individuals, team and business parameters align.

Amplitude: Is referred to as the greatness of size; magnitude; fullness; or the breadth or range of something. So I ask you, how bright do we shine? To what level will you work to? Who are you telling? How loud are you expressing what it is you are want or willing to do? If you want to be successful, tell someone. Express your greatness, the magnitude and range that you are willing to go to. Amplify your amplitude.

Frequency: Is the rate of occurrence, as in the number of periods or regularly occurring events of any given kind in unit of time. How often do you do what you do? What is your consistency level? In order to achieve your resolution within the parameters that are set and within the amplitude you have expressed, are you practicing frequency? Frequency is important to your success. You must practice frequency every single day.

Reliability: By definition is that may be relied on; dependable in achievement, accuracy, honesty, for example having reliable information or they are a reliable person. Reliability is truly about trust. In a systems world reliability would simply mean it does not break down (often). How reliable are you and can it be measured within the parameters that have been set.

Part of setability is the ability to set or re-set instruments to make incremental to gradual measurable changes that make significant difference. Often adjustments are made to the resolution, parameters, amplitude, frequency and reliability of a system. We all have systems, our way of doing things.

As people we can make adjustments to our systems that over time amount to significant impact in our personal, professional and business lives.

If you needed to set or re-set something in your life (personal or business) what would it be?  In what way would you fine tune your environment so you could achieve your preferred future? What is your setability factor?

Get to Know Richard

Richard works with companies that provide products, services, and expertise to other businesses. As a senior strategic business analyst and consultant, his focus is strategic planning, business analysis, and training and development of client organizations.


Richard Lannon
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