Rolling Calendar Year

Recently, Mark LeBlanc reminded me about the rolling twelve month cycle. He reminded me that we should forget the calendar year and stop thinking that 2010 is where it is at. Well, I can’t agree more. Looking past the regular fiscal year provides creativity and opportunity thinking. What better way to start the day, every day, as if it is a new year. No time to waste. It works!

Every day is a new day, whether it is 2009 or 2010. In business it is all the same. Get the business, do the business and collect on the business. Creativity and a willingness to explore that which no one else will can provide amazing results. I learnt this from my Dad.

My Dad made money throughout the depression, several recessions and a number of difficult times in his life. Did he do it by thinking well next year will be a better year, No! To him every day was just another day that required action. He had his task list and he went and did it. No matter what else was going on. In our generation often we stop, we become stalled like a plane ready to fall out of the sky. Not knowing what to do. At 87, my Dad still going strong. One day at a time. There is a lesson in that.

Supposedly there is a recession or depression or whatever you want to call this taking place. I know a lot of people who have been layed-off or have moved to a 2 or 3 day work week. They have also pursued other things to make ends meet. So what can you do now, today, that will have a positive impact in your life?

In a society like ours there is always opportunity. Open your eyes and explore it. Embrace it. From my Dad’s perspective, “people get in their own way when all they need to do is get over themselves.” I heard that a lot as a boy. As hard as this sounds sometimes I have to agree. We all need to rethink our situations, focus on our needs, remove ourselves from our wants and push forward. We all need to think like people from my Dad’s generation and embrace our abilities, develop our brainpower and positively impact our bottom-line.

We all need a rolling calendar year where every day is the first day of our lives.

SWOT’s that You Say

SWOT‘s that you say?

One of the best ways to approach the making of strategic decisions within your business and personal environment is by the use of a SWOT. This means looking at your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

Look around and simply ask what is happening right now that has impact internally (Strengths and Weaknesses) and externally (Opportunities and Threats) on me, the team or the organization. Focus your SWOT analysis within one context; the possibilities are endless … sales and marketing, entrepreneurship, business development, stakeholders, customers, competition, leadership abilities or on relationships and partnerships.

A SWOT analysis within any of these contexts consists of a candid look at and appraisal of your Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The key is to identify those things that are strategically important, focus on them and build a plan around them. Some potential Strengths are overlooked and should be given more focus. Some potential Weaknesses are overlooked, and should be changed. In the external world, Opportunities are sometimes ignored and Threats go unnoticed until it is too late. It is important to evaluate the SWOT in terms of what the implications are for your particular situation and, following that, to develop an appropriate strategy. Once you are ready, make sure you share your SWOT with the right people, those who are in a position to help.

Think SWOT instead of WHAT and answer the questions that are naturally posed and you will discovery key areas to focus that will make a difference in your life and business.

SWOT‘s that you say? That’s a SWOT, I say.

Get to Know Richard

Richard works with companies that provide products, services, and expertise to other businesses. As a senior strategic business analyst and consultant, his focus is strategic planning, business analysis, and training and development of client organizations.


Richard Lannon
Voice: 204-899-2808
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